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Article 6 – Executive Board
Section 1 – Composition
The Executive Board shall consist of the following members:
The President, five Vice-Presidents, five members and a Treasurer duly elected by the World Congress together with, ex-officio, the representatives of national Federation meeting the criteria of length of service and advancement laid down in the Rules of Procedure, and the representative of the College of Centres.
Representatives of regional Federations shall be invited to take part in the proceedings in an advisory capacity.
In addition, a representative of UNESCO shall be invited to take part in the proceedings of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity.
Members of the Executive Board shall take office immediately after completion of the proceedings of the World Congress, and serve for a period of four years until their successors are elected at the following ordinary session of the World Congress. They shall be eligible for re-election to serve a second term.
Every member of the Executive Board shall act in his or her personal capacity.
If an elected member of the Executive Board is unable to serve until the end of his or her term, the Executive Board shall nominate a person from the same region as the outgoing member to serve for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 2 – Bureau
(a) The Bureau shall consist of the President, the five Vice-Presidents of the World Federation and the Treasurer. It shall meet every year.
The President shall be elected by the World Congress. He or she shall chair meetings of the Executive Board, and shall not be of the same nationality as his or her predecessor. The President shall convene the sessions of the World Congress, the Executive Board and the Bureau. He or she shall be responsible for the general policy and management of the World Federation. He or she shall nominate the Secretary-General and the staff of the Secretariat in agreement with the Bureau.
Five Vice-Presidents of the World Federation shall be elected by the World Congress on the basis of UNESCO’s definition of regions. They shall be responsible for the regional coordination of the Federation. They shall assist the President in all of his or her functions, and shall assume his or her duties and responsibilities in the event of any impediment, as required by the World Federation’s Rules of Procedure.
The Treasurer shall be elected by the World Congress. He or she shall be responsible for all matters regarding the management of the World Federation’s assets. He or she shall send out assessment notices and collect the dues paid by the members, together with any other income, gift or bequest. He or she shall keep regular accounts as required by the terms of this Constitution (Article 10, Section 3). He or she shall prepare the financial statement, and draw up and submit the draft budget to the Executive Board.
(b) The Bureau shall assess the work of the Secretary General and, if necessary, terminate his or her functions according to legal procedures.
Section 3 – Functions of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be responsible to the World Congress for fulfilling the functions of the World Federation, and in particular for:
(a) preparing the draft agenda of the World Congress;
(b) examining and submitting to the World Congress, with its recommendations, the draft programme and budget of the World Federation;
(c) putting forward the names of two candidates for the post of Auditor to the World Congress;
(d) implementing the decisions of the World Congress;
(e) preparing the draft General Rules and proposing them to the World Congress;
(f) approving the programme and budget of the World Federation and then ensuring their implementation by the Secretariat;
(g) examining membership applications and, if accepted, deciding the provisional admission of new members;
(h) performing the other functions of the Executive Board specified in this Constitution.
Section 4 – Ordinary Sessions
The Executive Board shall meet in ordinary session immediately after the World Congress, immediately before the following World Congress, and at least once between two sessions of the World Congress.
Section 5 – Extraordinary Sessions
The Executive Board may meet in extraordinary session at the request of the President or of at least two thirds of its members.