We, the representatives of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations in our respective countries:
Recalling that the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”,
Reaffirming our faith in the ideals, principles and actions of UNESCO, whose purpose is to “contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion by the Charter of the United Nations”,
Considering that “a peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of governments would not be a peace which could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support […] and that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind”,
Realizing the need for active, meaningful and direct participation by the peoples of the world in the achievement of UNESCO’s ideals, and the role of voluntary organizations in this connection,
Do hereby establish an international non-governmental organization to be called the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA), Fédération mondiale des associations, centres et clubs UNESCO (FMACU), Federación Mundial de Asociaciones, Centros y Clubes UNESCO (FMACU), and for this purpose have agreed to adopt the following Constitution:
Article 1 – Objectives and Functions
Section 1 – Objectives
The objectives of the World Federation shall be: 1. to further the ideals of UNESCO:
a. to promote international understanding and education, with a particular view to the effective exercise of human rights and the endogenous and sustainable development of all peoples;
b. to foster dialogue among nations and peoples with a particular view to advancing mutual understanding among the different cultures and civilizations of the world;
c. to promote the utilization of science and technology for peaceful purposes, for the welfare of humanity;
d. to promote in all societies the right of every person and every people to a cultural identity, with due regard for cultural diversity;
e. to ensure in the management of human activities the preservation of the natural environment for present and future generations;
2. to further the programmes, priorities and guidelines of UNESCO;
3. and, to that end, to strengthen and encourage the development of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations.
Section 2 – Functions
To achieve these objectives, the World Federation shall have the following functions:
a. to organize and support the coordinated and mutually supportive joint action of its members;
b. to assist in the establishment of national and regional Federations where none yet exist, on the basis of UNESCO’s definition of regions;
c. to lend support to national and regional Federations of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations, and to Clubs, Centres and Associations in countries where no national coordination structure exists;
d. to evaluate its member structures in liaison with the National Commissions and with UNESCO;
e. to promote the gender balance and the presence of youth in the organs of the Federation;
f. to improve the mechanisms for permanent linkages among national and regional Federations of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations throughout the world;
g. to foster cooperation between these Federations and the Associated Schools and other UNESCO networks;
h. to develop the circulation of information by helping to improve the preparation, collection, distribution and exchange of printed, audiovisual and digital materials;
i. to provide training for members of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations by all appropriate means;
j. to organize exchange programmes, workshops, symposia and seminars;
k. to establish international documentation centres for the use of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations;
l. to organize or facilitate fund-raising campaigns for financing its programmes;
m. to take any action directed towards the achievement of its aims.
Article 2 – Headquarters
The Federation’s headquarters shall be located in Paris, France.
Its headquarters may be transferred by decision of the World Congress, adopted by a two-thirds majority of full members present and voting
Article 3 – Membership Status
Section 1 – Categories of Members
The World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations shall be composed of six categories of members:
1. Full members (direct): national coordination structures or Federations of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (ACU), covering at least three ACUs regularly established for at least one year under the supervision of the National Commission. No more than one direct full member may be admitted per country. They shall be entitled to vote at the World Congress subject to payment of the dues set out in this Constitution;
In a derogatory way, national entities not fulfilling the threshold criterion (at least three ACUs regularly established, for at least one year) can become full members according to the particular definitions of the Rules of Procedure.
2. Full members (indirect): the College of UNESCO Centres having the status of internationally recognized centres. The College may vote at the World Congress under the conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure. Its constituent Centres, however, may not vote individually but shall act in an advisory capacity;
3. Corresponding members: ACU structures recommended by a country’s National Commission for UNESCO that have yet to be federated at national level or to attain the number stipulated in subparagraph 1 of this article. They shall act in an advisory capacity until progress has been made towards the setting up of a national Federation;
4. Advisory members: UNESCO, National Commissions for UNESCO and regional Federations;
5. Associate members: international non-governmental organizations having official relations with UNESCO or with the other Specialized Agencies of the United Nations, and demonstrating a special interest in ACU activities;
6. Honorary members and benefactors: structures or individuals that have rendered or are likely to render services to the ACU movement, or that simply represent values close to the ideals championed by ACUs.
Section 2 – Admission
Any structure or individual wishing to join the World Federation as one of the above-mentioned categories of members (Section 1) must submit:
1. A request to the President of the World Federation, specifying the category of membership for which they are applying. This must be accompanied by a brief description of the structure, a copy of the constitution, rules of procedure, a copy of the minutes of its constitutive general assembly and, if appropriate, activity reports and a list of members and their addresses;
2. A letter of recommendation from a National Commission for the Federations (or, failing that, sponsorship of one or two sister Federations, or alternatively an explanation for the absence of such a letter).
The request shall be examined by the Secretariat, which will carry out a basic check before presenting it, together with technical details, at the next session of the Executive Board.
Provisional admission or refusal shall be determined the Executive Board by a decision with explanation. Applicants granted provisional admission shall be notified in writing by the President, and asked to settle their dues for the current year within 60 days.
Final admission shall be determined by the World Congress.
Article 4 – Organs
The main organs of the World Federation are:
(a) the World Congress; (b) the Executive Board; (c) the Secretariat.
Article 5 – World Congress
Section 1 – Composition
The World Congress is the supreme organ of the World Federation and is composed of delegates duly nominated by the full members. UNESCO and the other categories of members may participate as observers. The number of delegates per full member and the number of votes shall be set out in the Rules of Procedure.
Section 2 – Credentials Committee
A Credentials Committee nominated by the World Congress shall examine the credentials of delegates before their admission, in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure, and report to the World Congress.
Section 3 – Functions of the World Congress
The World Congress is a world authority through which the problems facing the Federation may be addressed, and acts as a mechanism for the coordination and integration of the Federation’s programmes. It shall have the following main functions:
(a) to adopt the General Rules, which comprise the Rules of Procedure of the World Congress, the Rules of Procedure of the World Federation and the Financial Rules;
(b) to lay down guidelines for the Federation that are in harmony with the general policies of UNESCO;
(c) to approve the report of activities drawn up by the Secretary General and the financial report for the period since the previous World Congress drawn up by the Secretary General in agreement with the Treasurer, and to grant a qualified discharge;
(d) to adopt the programme and budgetary guidelines proposed by the Executive Board for the period up to the following World Congress;
(e) to evaluate the work of the different organs;
(f) to elect, under the conditions laid down in Article 9, the President of the World Federation, the five Vice-Presidents, the five members of the Executive Board and the Treasurer. Cultural diversity and equitable geographical distribution shall be taken into account in these elections;
(g) to appoint an Auditor upon the proposal of the Executive Board.
Section 4 – Ordinary Sessions
(a) The World Congress shall meet in ordinary session every four years. (b) The World Congress shall determine the date and place of the next session. Should it fail to do so, the Executive Board shall make the decision.
Section 5 – Extraordinary Sessions
(a) An extraordinary session of the World Congress may be convened by the President of the World Federation, or at the request of two thirds of the members of the Executive Board or of full members up to date with their dues.
(b) An extraordinary session shall concern itself only with the questions for which it has been convened.
Section 6 – Agenda of Ordinary Sessions of the World Congress
The Executive Board shall prepare a Pre-Draft Agenda to be circulated to all members at least four months before the opening of an ordinary session. Members shall submit any comments not less than six weeks before the opening of the session.
The Executive Board shall then prepare a provisional agenda based on the comments and suggestions received, for circulation to members and observers.
Section 7 – Officers of the World Congress
At the first plenary meeting of each World Congress, the duly accredited delegates shall elect the officers of the World Congress: Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, General “Rapporteur” and Deputy “Rapporteurs”, if required.
Article 6 – Executive Board
Section 1 – Composition
The Executive Board shall consist of the following members:
The President, five Vice-Presidents, five members and a Treasurer duly elected by the World Congress together with, ex-officio, the representatives of national Federation meeting the criteria of length of service and advancement laid down in the Rules of Procedure, and the representative of the College of Centres.
Representatives of regional Federations shall be invited to take part in the proceedings in an advisory capacity.
In addition, a representative of UNESCO shall be invited to take part in the proceedings of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity.
Members of the Executive Board shall take office immediately after completion of the proceedings of the World Congress, and serve for a period of four years until their successors are elected at the following ordinary session of the World Congress. They shall be eligible for re-election to serve a second term.
Every member of the Executive Board shall act in his or her personal capacity.
If an elected member of the Executive Board is unable to serve until the end of his or her term, the Executive Board shall nominate a person from the same region as the outgoing member to serve for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 2 – Bureau
(a) The Bureau shall consist of the President, the five Vice-Presidents of the World Federation and the Treasurer. It shall meet every year.
The President shall be elected by the World Congress. He or she shall chair meetings of the Executive Board, and shall not be of the same nationality as his or her predecessor. The President shall convene the sessions of the World Congress, the Executive Board and the Bureau. He or she shall be responsible for the general policy and management of the World Federation. He or she shall nominate the Secretary-General and the staff of the Secretariat in agreement with the Bureau.
Five Vice-Presidents of the World Federation shall be elected by the World Congress on the basis of UNESCO’s definition of regions. They shall be responsible for the regional coordination of the Federation. They shall assist the President in all of his or her functions, and shall assume his or her duties and responsibilities in the event of any impediment, as required by the World Federation’s Rules of Procedure.
The Treasurer shall be elected by the World Congress. He or she shall be responsible for all matters regarding the management of the World Federation’s assets. He or she shall send out assessment notices and collect the dues paid by the members, together with any other income, gift or bequest. He or she shall keep regular accounts as required by the terms of this Constitution (Article 10, Section 3). He or she shall prepare the financial statement, and draw up and submit the draft budget to the Executive Board.
(b) The Bureau shall assess the work of the Secretary General and, if necessary, terminate his or her functions according to legal procedures.
Section 3 – Functions of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be responsible to the World Congress for fulfilling the functions of the World Federation, and in particular for:
(a) preparing the draft agenda of the World Congress;
(b) examining and submitting to the World Congress, with its recommendations, the draft programme and budget of the World Federation;
(c) putting forward the names of two candidates for the post of Auditor to the World Congress;
(d) implementing the decisions of the World Congress;
(e) preparing the draft General Rules and proposing them to the World Congress;
(f) approving the programme and budget of the World Federation and then ensuring their implementation by the Secretariat;
(g) examining membership applications and, if accepted, deciding the provisional admission of new members;
(h) performing the other functions of the Executive Board specified in this Constitution.
Section 4 – Ordinary Sessions
The Executive Board shall meet in ordinary session immediately after the World Congress, immediately before the following World Congress, and at least once between two sessions of the World Congress.
Section 5 – Extraordinary Sessions
The Executive Board may meet in extraordinary session at the request of the President or of at least two thirds of its members.
Article 7 – Secretariat
Section 1 – Composition
The Secretariat shall be composed of a Secretary General and such staff as may be required.
Section 2 – Secretary General
He or she shall be appointed for four years by the President with the agreement of the Bureau.
He or she shall take part in Executive Board and Bureau meetings without the right to vote.
His or her functions shall be, inter alia, to:
- assume administrative and financial responsibility for the Secretariat;
- direct the staff of the Secretariat;
- present to the Bureau an annual report on the activities carried out by the World Federation;
- assist members of the Bureau in completing the following assignments:
- coordinating and implementing programmes;
Article 8 – Advisors
Section 1 – Definition
The advisors shall preferably be members or former members of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations with particular experience in areas corresponding to the major orientations of the World Federation, or who possess specialized professional skills valuable to the functioning of the World Federation, and who place that experience and those skills at the disposal of the organs of the World Federation.
Section 2 – Appointment
Advisors shall be selected by the Executive Board on the proposal of the President, a Board member or the Secretary General.
Section – 3 Functions
The functions of advisors are consultative. They may be given assignments for which the President, the members of the Executive Board and the Secretary General are responsible.
Advisors shall be consulted or called to meetings depending upon the tasks in hand and the degree of expertise required. Their role as advisors may be terminated by a decision of the Executive Board.
Article 9 – Procedures
Section 1 – Notification
(a) World Congress
The Secretary General, acting on the instructions of the President, informs members of each session of the World Congress within the following time-limits in order to facilitate the process of appointing delegates:
- notice of an ordinary session of the World Congress shall be given at least eight months in advance, at which time the Pre-Draft Agenda shall be sent to members;
- notice of the acceptance of delegates and observers shall be given at least two months in advance of the World Congress;
- notice of an extraordinary session shall be given at least four months in advance, stating the purpose for which the session is being convened.
(b) Executive Board
The Secretary General, acting on the instructions of the President, shall give notice to members of each session of the Board as follows:
- notice of an ordinary session shall be given at least three months in advance, at which time the Pre-Draft Agenda of the session shall be sent to members of the Executive Board;
- notice of an extraordinary session shall be given at least one month in advance, stating the purpose for which the session is being convened.
Section 2 – Quorum
(a) At plenary sessions of the World Congress, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of full members up to date with their dues.
(b) At sessions of the Executive Board, a quorum shall consist of a majority of Board members.
Section 3 – Decisions
The decisions of the World Congress, the Executive Board and other committees shall be taken by a simple majority of those present and voting, unless otherwise indicated in the Constitution or the Rules of Procedure.
Section 4 – Voting
(a) Each full member of the World Federation shall have one vote in the World Congress. Other members may take part in the discussions without the right to vote.
(b) The President, Vice-Presidents, five members and the Treasurer are elected by an absolute majority of full members present and voting. Posts not filled in the first ballot by absolute majority shall be reconsidered in a second ballot by a simple majority.
(c) Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote in Board decisions.
Article 10 – Finances
Section 1 – Financial Arrangements and Membership Dues
The annual income of the World Federation shall consist of:
(a) the dues of full members;
(b) contributions from honorary members and benefactors;
(c) contributions from States and national and international organizations;
(d) income from special activities and miscellaneous resources.
Section 2 – Payment of Dues
The scale of dues payable annually by members shall be established by the World Congress on the
proposal of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall make appropriate arrangements for the collection and administration of
the Federation’s resources.
Membership rights shall be suspended for non-payment of dues.
Section 3 – Accounts
The Treasurer, in liaison with the Secretary General, shall prepare the World Federation’s statement of accounts for each financial year, which shall correspond to the calendar year, and shall submit it for approval to the Bureau. That annual statement shall be verified by an Auditor.
Article 11 – Amendments and Dissolution
Section 1 – Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a full member or by the Executive Board.
Any proposal to amend the Constitution of the World Federation must be received by the Secretary General at least six months before an ordinary session of the World Congress.
Such proposals, together with the comments of the Executive Board, shall be circulated to members with the Pre-Draft Agenda of the ordinary session at least four months before the opening of the ordinary session of the World Congress.
Amendments to this Constitution may be adopted only by the World Congress by a two-thirds majority vote of the delegates present and voting, and shall be effective on their adoption.
Article 12 – Entry into Force
This Constitution was adopted by the second World Congress of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations at its session held in Paris on 3rd July 1981, revised by the World Congress of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations at the extraordinary session held in Madrid on 22nd July, 1987 and revised by the World Congress of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations at the extraordinary session held in Paris (France) on 20 July 2005.
It takes effect immediately.