GENERAL RULES - 3. Implemetation of the Budget |
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3. Implemetation of the Budget
Article 5 – General Principles
1. The financial year corresponds to the calendar year.
2. Upon the authorization of the President, bank accounts may be opened by the Treasurer, as necessary, not only in the country in which the World Federation Secretariat is based, but also in other countries according to the interests of the World Federation.
3. All financial documents, such as payments, orders, receipts, contracts and any other relevant documents, must be kept and filed by the Secretariat.
4. Provision should be made, as far as possible, for a reserve fund of a size allowing a year’s activities (working costs and programmes) to be financed.
Article 6 – Division of Responsibilities 1. The President is the director of the expenditure.
2. The Treasurer shall execute the budget and shall be responsible for the keeping of accounts and for the smooth running of financial business. He shall be assisted by the Secretariat and by the Accountant.
3. A working committee on finance comprised of members of the Executive Board and Advisors may be formed. Its task shall be, in particular, to seek extra funding.
Article 7 – Income 1. Members shall be required to pay their membership fees each year on 1st January.
2. Members whose membership fees have not yet been paid by the end of the year shall immediately loose their rights.
3. Membership fees may be paid in United States dollars, Euros or any other convertible currency by cheque, bank transfer or in cash. Use of UNESCO Coupons is especially recommended.
4. The World Federation may charge an enrolment fee for activities (congresses, seminars, workshops etc.) which it organises.
5. Contracts and other agreements may be made with UNESCO in order to guarantee the planning of programmes in the medium term and the development of the World Federation.
6. Coordination with organizations of all types (inter-governmental, governmental, non- governmental), as well as with sponsors in the private sector and foundations, may be sought as long as their aims and activities are compatible with those of the World Federation.
7. The World Federation may market its products, activities and services commercially, as circumstances allow.
Article 8 – Expenditure 1. Only expenditures outlined in the annual budget can be allowed.
Should extra-budgetary expenditure become necessary, it must be carried over into the next financial year.
However, it is possible for exceptions to be considered on condition that they have the written approval of the President and the Treasurer, and that they do not exceed 5% of the annual budget.
2. Expenditure on activities carried out jointly with members of the World Federation or any other partner must be defined by a written contract detailing the objectives of the activity and the methods of payment.
3. Expenditure relative to the functioning of the Secretariat, including expenditure on staff, shall be strictly outlined in the annual budget.
4. All expenditure shall be calculated on the most economical basis.