GENERAL RULES - 3. Organisation of Procedures |
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3. Organisation of Procedures
Article 4 – Bureau of the Congress 1. The Bureau shall consist of the following:
- a Chairman, - five Vice-Chairmen, - a General Rapporteur elected by the World Congress Delegates; - Chairmen of the commissions, elected by participants of the commissions; - The Secretary General of the World Federation
2. The Bureau shall be convened by the Chairman.
3. Its principal tasks, among others, are to assist the Chairman in carrying out his or her duties and, in general, to take what action is necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Congress.
Article 5 – Credentials Committee
1. This committee shall be elected by the World Congress on the basis of a proposal of the Executive Board. It shall consist of no more than five members.
Before the opening of the World Congress, the Secretary General shall send to the Executive Board a list of those admitted as full members and of their position regarding the payment of their membership dues, as well as enrolment forms for the World Congress showing the names of the delegates; these forms shall be counter-signed by at least two leaders from the Full Member represented. The Secretary General may also add any remarks which he considers appropriate.
2. During the Executive Board session immediately preceding the World Congress, the Executive Board shall examine the list of full members, delegates and draft recommendations to be placed before the Credentials Committee.
The Credentials Committee shall examine the credentials of delegates, in conformity with the Constitution and the General Rules, based on recommendations of the Executive Board. It shall draw up the list of delegates accepted as main participants, having the right to vote. It shall then report to the World Congress.
Article 6 – Nominations Committee 1. This Committee shall be elected by the World Congress, and shall consist of no more than five members chosen from among those countries which are not candidates.
2. Its terms of reference shall be:
- to examine the candidatures received; - to report to the World Congress on their eligibility; - to monitor the ballots in the elections of the President, Vice-President and the Treasurer; - to count the votes and announce the results.
Article 7 – Composition
The composition of the Bureau, Nominations Committee and Credentials Committee shall reflect the cultural diversity of the delegates and equitable geographical distribution as extensively as possible.
Article 8 – Commissions 1. After the General Debate in plenary session, the work of the Congress can be continued in commissions in accordance with the programme prepared.
2. These commissions elect from their members, a President and a “Rapporteur”.
3. In these commissions the duties and role of the Chairman shall be the same as those conferred on the Congress Chairman by these Rules (cf. Article 9.2)
4. The work of the Congress might be completed by ad hoc committees entrusted with the study of particular points.
5. The result of discussions in the commissions and ad hoc Committees shall be approved by consensus, without a vote. If no consensus is reached, the Chairman shall ensure that the different points of view are represented.