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1. Membership
Article 1 - Admission of members
1. The Secretary General shall record membership applications addressed to the president according to article 3 section 2 of the Constitution.
2. At each Executive Board session, the Secretary General shall submit applications for Full, Corresponding or Associate membership, or for admission as an Honorary member or a world benefactor to the Board, giving his opinion of their merits.
3. The Executive Board shall decide whether to temporarily accept or reject applications. In either case clear reasons must be given for the decision.
4. The Secretary General shall notify the applicant of the outcome within one month. The applicant is then invited to fulfil his annual contribution within 60 days from the notification, in order not to lose his temporary membership of the WFUCA.
5. The Secretary General may at any time, upon his own initiative or at the request of the Executive Board, ask for further information or a more detailed reference from the National Commission of the country concerned. The information and opinions gathered in this way shall be put before the Executive Board.
6. If no National Commission for UNESCO exists, the Secretary General shall be empowered to seek the necessary information about an applicant directly.
7. Membership applications ,to be considered, must be accompanied by a recommendation fromthe National Commission for UNESCO of the applicant's home country, or must satisfy by default the requirements of the article 3 section 2.2 of the status.
8. As far as the derogatory admission of full members is concerned, the applicant must justify the reason for which he cannot fulfil the threshold criterion of the Article 3, section 1 of the Constitution.
9. Applications for Associate membership from international non-Governmental Organizations (INGOS) must be accompanied by an information-dossier giving details of their objectives and activities.
10. The list of applications for Full, Corresponding or Associate membership, and the Executive Board's decision in each case, shall be placed before the World Congress by the Executive Board.
Article 2 – Disputes Procedure
1. Should an applicant for membership disagree with the decision made by the Executive Board on the application or believe that insufficient or unfounded reasons were given for a rejection, the applicant may request a hearing before the Credentials Committee at the next World Congress; the Committee will then make its own recommendation which it will put before the World Congress for a final decision.
2. Applications for a hearing before the Credentials Committee and the World Congress must be sent in writing to the Secretary General at least two months before the World Congress and not more than three months after the applicant was notified of the decision of the Executive Board.
Article 3 - Withdrawal of Members
1. The Secretary General shall be notified in writing of a member's intention to withdraw from the organization, and shall acknowledge receipt of the notification. In accordance with the Constitution, he shall indicate the date from which the withdrawal becomes effective. The member must fulfil his financial obligations before his departure date (eventually debts and contribution for the actual year).
2. The rights and duties of a withdrawing member shall remain unchanged until his withdrawal becomes effective, one year after the date at which notification of the intention to withdraw is received.
3. The rights of any withdrawing member whose financial obligations have not been settled by the date at which the withdrawal takes effect, will automatically be suspended.
Article 4 – Expulsion of members
1. The expulsion of any member is announced by the Congress. This point must be explicitly included on the agenda of the World Congress, together with the precision of the identity of the member involved.
2. The Executive Board shall put before the World Congress a detailed report concerning the reasons for the expulsion of a member.
3. During any debate at the World Congress concerning the expulsion of a member, the member has the right to a hearing and to speak in its own defence in the last instant, before the final vote.
Article 5 - Right and Duties of Members
1. Full members up to date with their membership dues shall have the right to vote, and shall have full powers of participation, proposal and execution. They shall pay an annual membership fee, whose payment is due on 1st January of each year, and whose amount shall be fixed by the World Congress.
This flexible contribution depends on specific qualities of the active member, whether he or she has been admitted as an ex-officio member at the Executive Board or not. The ex-officio members give at least ten (10) contribution units per year. Full members also have the right to take part in all programmes of the World Federation.
2. Corresponding and Associate members shall receive all information and documentation printed by the World Federation, and have the right to take part in its programmes. They have a consultative voice. They shall make a financial contribution, whose amount shall be fixed by the Executive Board, in payment for the services rendered.
3. Advisors, honorary and benefactor members will receive information diffused by the World Federation. They are not held to the payment of a certain contribution and they can make a voluntary contribution. They have a consultative voice during the sessions of the Executive Boards and the World Congress.