Article Index
Rules of Procedure of the World Federation
1. Membership
2. The Executive Board
3. Secretariat
4. Advisors
5. Amendements
Financial Rules
1. Budgetary Instruments
2. Juridiction
3. Implemetation of the Budget
4. Representation and Auditing Accounts
Rules of Procedure of the World Congress
1. Participation
2. Terms of Reference
3. Organisation of Procedures
4. Conduct of Business
5. Secretariat of the Congress
All Pages

Rules of Procedure of the World Federation


In accordance with Article V - World Congress, session 3(a) of the Constitution, the World Congress adopts the following Rules of Procedure, the aim of which is to clarify and expand certain provisions of the Constitution.

1. Membership


Article 1 - Admission of members

1.     The Secretary General shall record membership applications addressed to the president according to article 3 section 2 of the Constitution.

2.     At each Executive Board session, the Secretary General shall submit applications for Full, Corresponding or Associate membership, or for admission as an Honorary member or a world benefactor to the Board, giving his opinion of their merits.

3.     The Executive Board shall decide whether to temporarily accept or reject applications. In either case clear reasons must be given for the decision.

4.     The Secretary General shall notify the applicant of the outcome within one month. The applicant is then invited to fulfil his annual contribution within 60 days from the notification, in order not to lose his temporary membership of the WFUCA.

5.     The Secretary General may at any time, upon his own initiative or at the request of the Executive Board, ask for further information or a more detailed reference from the National Commission of the country concerned. The information and opinions gathered in this way shall be put before the Executive Board.

6.     If no National Commission for UNESCO exists, the Secretary General shall be empowered to seek the necessary information about an applicant directly.

7.     Membership applications ,to be considered, must be accompanied by a recommendation fromthe National Commission for UNESCO of the applicant's home country, or must satisfy by default the requirements of the article 3 section 2.2 of the status.

8.     As far as the derogatory admission of full members is concerned, the applicant must justify the reason for which he cannot fulfil the threshold criterion of the Article 3, section 1 of the Constitution.

9.     Applications for Associate membership from international non-Governmental   Organizations (INGOS) must be accompanied by an information-dossier giving details of their objectives and activities.

10.  The list of applications for Full, Corresponding or Associate membership, and the Executive Board's decision in each case, shall be placed before the World Congress by   the Executive Board.


Article 2 – Disputes Procedure

1.     Should an applicant for membership disagree with the decision made by the Executive Board on the application or believe that insufficient or unfounded reasons were given for a rejection, the applicant may request a hearing before the Credentials Committee at the next World Congress; the Committee will then make its own recommendation which it will put before the World Congress for a final decision.

2.     Applications for a hearing before the Credentials Committee and the World Congress must be sent in writing to the Secretary General at least two months before the World Congress and not more than three months after the applicant was notified of the decision of the Executive Board.


Article 3 - Withdrawal of Members

1.     The Secretary General shall be notified in writing of a member's intention to withdraw from the organization, and shall acknowledge receipt of the notification. In accordance with the Constitution, he shall indicate the date from which the withdrawal becomes effective. The member must fulfil his financial obligations before his departure date (eventually debts and contribution for the actual year).

2.     The rights and duties of a withdrawing member shall remain unchanged until his withdrawal becomes effective, one year after the date at which notification of the intention to withdraw is received.

3.     The rights of any withdrawing member whose financial obligations have not been settled by the date at which the withdrawal takes effect, will automatically be suspended.


Article 4 – Expulsion of members

1.     The expulsion of any member is announced by the Congress. This point must be explicitly included on the agenda of the World Congress, together with the precision of the identity of the member involved.

2.     The Executive Board shall put before the World Congress a detailed report concerning the reasons for the expulsion of a member.

3.     During any debate at the World Congress concerning the expulsion of a member, the member has the right to a hearing and to speak in its own defence in the last instant, before the final vote.


Article 5 - Right and Duties of Members

1.     Full members up to date with their membership dues shall have the right to vote, and shall have full powers of participation, proposal and execution. They shall pay an annual membership fee, whose payment is due on 1st January of each year, and whose amount shall be fixed by the World Congress.

This flexible contribution depends on specific qualities of the active member, whether he or she has been admitted as an ex-officio member at the Executive Board or not. The ex-officio members give at least ten (10) contribution units per year. Full members also have the right to take part in all programmes of the World Federation.

2.     Corresponding and Associate members shall receive all information and documentation printed by the World Federation, and have the right to take part in its programmes. They have a consultative voice. They shall make a financial contribution, whose amount shall be fixed by the Executive Board, in payment for the services rendered.

3.     Advisors, honorary and benefactor members will receive information diffused by the World Federation. They are not held to the payment of a certain contribution and they can make a voluntary contribution. They have a consultative voice during the sessions of the Executive Boards and the World Congress.


2. The executive Board

Article 6 - Members of the Executive Board

1.     According to article 6 section 1, the Executive Board consists, in addition to the elected members, of ex-officio members. They are admitted as ex-officio members of the Executive Board, the representatives of National Federations, having 20 years of existence and including at least a hundred (100) active clubs along with the representative of the College of the Centres.

2.     Members of the Executive Board, with the exception of the ex-officio members, shall hold office in a purely personal capacity and shall neither request nor accept instructions from any other source, including their own Federation and National authorities. Ex-officio members represent their federation or structure of provenance.

Article 7 – Replacement of a member

1.     Should any member of the Executive Board be unable to carry out his or her responsibilities in the course of his or her term of office, the Executive Board shall record the impediment and proceed to replace him or her by asking a person from the same region to fulfil his or her mandate until the end of the normal term.

2.     The person who thus replaces a member may be re-elected only for one further term.


Article 8 - Replacement of the President

1.     That which is meant by the term of "impediment" in Article VI – 2(a) of the Constitution is the sudden death or resignation of the President, or an illness which, in the opinion of two thirds of the members of the Executive Board , prevents him or her from carrying out his or her duties.

2.     In the event of the impediment of the President, the Executive Board appoints one of the Vice-Presidents as Acting President. He or she will remain in the position until the next Congress. He or she is eligible once.Article 9 – Bureau

1.     The Bureau may be convened by the President between two sessions of the Executive Board.

2.     It may take urgent decisions between two sessions of the Executive Board.

3.     The other members of the Board shall be informed of decisions taken by the Bureau.

4.     These decisions must be ratified by the following sessions of the Executive Board.


Article 10 - Sessions

1.     The Executive Board shall be convened by the President; the Secretary General shall inform the members of the Board.

2.     If, under any exceptional circumstances, a member of the Board is unable to take part in all or part of its deliberations, he or she may appoint a deputy from the same region to replace him or her after agreement of the President.

3.     On the invitation of the Executive Board, one or more observers may be permitted to attend the deliberations of the Board.

4.     At the request of the President, the Secretary General or two of its members, the Board may meet in closed session, excluding non-members from taking part.

5.     The Executive Board may form working committees, made up of members of the Board and Advisors, if necessary.

Working committees shall be set up according to need; the Executive Board as a whole shall ultimately decide whether or not to accept the proposals of the working committees.

6.     At each session, the Executive Board shall fix the time and location of the following session. The decision can, if necessary, be made by the President with the agreement of the Bureau.

7.     At each session, the Board shall examine cooperation requests sent by full members and shall decide whether or not the World Federation is to participate on the basis of information contained in the WFUCA Cooperation Request forms.

8.     The agenda for the session may be modified by a simple majority decision of members of the Executive Board.

9.     In the event of a tie vote in the Executive Board, the president’s vote will decide.

10.  A report shall be drawn up on proceedings at each session of the Executive Board, which will be given wide circulation by the Secretariat of the World Federation.

11.  Between two sessions of the Board, the President may consult the members in writing; these consultations shall guide the decisions of the Bureau.


3. Secretariat

Article 11 – Secretary General

1.     The Secretary General shall be in charge of the administration of the secretariat of the World Federation; he or she shall carry out his or her duties under the president’s authority and in strict compliance with the Constitution and General Rules of the World Federation.

He or she is recruited for a fixed period, which does not go beyond the President’s mandate. The President signs his or her work contract, which is renewable and must conform with the work legislation of the place where the headquarters of the World Federation are, especially concerning working hours, social security and suspension procedures. It must also include the competent tribunal, in case of a litigation.

2.     In cooperation with the Treasurer, the Secretary General shall draft the programme and budget guidelines for the period between two sessions of the World Congress. Together with the Treasurer, he or she shall prepare the annual draft programme and draft budget in accordance with the priorities laid down by the World Congress.

3.     He or she shall coordinate and implement the working programmes and present a report on activities of each session of the Executive Board.

4.     At least one month before it is due to meet the Secretary General shall submit to the Executive Board the draft working programme approved by the President and the budget which he or she has prepared under the supervision of the Treasurer.

5.     Following the decisions of the Executive Board, its members will be sent the definitive programme by the Secretary General.


Article 12 - Acting Secretary General

1.     In the event of the sudden death, dismissal or resignation of the incumbent, or a serious illness which, in the opinion of the Bureau, prevents him or her from carrying out his or her duties for a prolonged period, the post of Secretary General becomes vacant.

2.     In this case, the President, with the approval of the Bureau, shall appoint one of its members or any other person of its choice as an Acting Secretary General, pending recruitment of a new Secretary General to serve for the unexpired portion of the original term.


Article 13 - Secretariat

1.     The appointed Secretary General shall make an organic framework towards the Bureau, which adopts it after consulting the Executive Board. This framework also describes the vacancies he or she wants to create in the secretariat.

He or she also submits to the Bureau a list of names for filling these vacancies.

2.     The Secretariat shall implement the decisions of the Executive Board, and fulfil its role of informing, communicating, coordinating and stimulating. It shall defend the material and moral interests of each member in accordance with the directives of the Executive Board and World Congress.


4. Advisors


Article 14 - Recruitment

1.     The recruitment of Advisors shall not be governed by the principle of proportional geographical distribution.

2.     The total number of Advisors shall not be fixed, but may vary according to need.


Article 15 – Duties of advisors

1.     To respond to any request for advice or information made by administrative organs of the World Federation;

2.     To collect and pass on information as requested by the various organs of the World Federation;

3.     To participate in specialised working groups, in accordance with their expertise;

4.     To assist members of the Executive Board or the Secretary General in the preparation of certain reports and case-files;

5.     To act as observers or negotiators, both within the World Federation and outside, under the mandate of the Executive Board.


Article 16 - Relations with Organs of the World Federation

1.     Advisors may attend the World Congress as observers if their duties require them to do so.

2.     Advisors may be invited by the President, on the proposal of the Bureau, to attend meetings of the Executive Board, in order to give advice to members of the Board and the Secretariat on matters within their expertise.

3.     Advisors may be given mandates under the direction of the Secretary General. They shall inform the Secretariat of the progress of cases which they have been called upon to assist, by maintaining regular and close contact with the Secretariat.

4.     Advisors shall enjoy the same facilities and working conditions as other World Federation Personnel.


5. Amendements


Article 17 – Amendments to the Constitution

Every article or paragraph of the Constitution for which an amendment is proposed shall be discussed and voted upon separately.


Article 18 – Amendments to the General Rules

The General Rules, with the exception of articles which reproduce provisions of the status, may be amended by decision of the World Congress as approved by a simple majority of full members present and voting.


Financial  Rules

1. Budgetary Instruments


Article 1 – Budget Guidelines

The World Congress shall decide on the budget guidelines. These guidelines shall constitute a framework for the period between two ordinary sessions of the World Congress; they shall indicate budget allocations evaluated in accordance with the orientations and future programme activities determined by the World Congress.


Article 2 – Annual Budget

The annual budget of the World Federation shall outline and authorise in advance of each budgetary year (which shall correspond to the civil year) the income and expenditure of the World Federation. This annual budget shall be drawn up on the basis of the guidelines adopted by the World Congress.


2. Juridiction


Article 3 – Budget guidelines

The budget guidelines, covering the period between two ordinary sessions of the World Federation, shall be established by the World Congress on the basis of the draft proposals submitted to it by the Executive Board.

The draft budget guidelines shall be prepared by the Treasurer in cooperation with the Secretary General and under the President’s authority and finalized by the Executive Board at its sessions immediately preceding the ordinary session of the World Congress.


Article 4 – Annual Budget

The annual budget shall be approved by the Executive Board at its session preceding the beginning of the financial year, on the basis of draft proposals prepared by the Treasurer in cooperation with the Secretary General.

3. Implemetation of the Budget

Article 5 – General Principles

1.    The financial year corresponds to the calendar year.

2.    Upon the authorization of the President, bank accounts may be opened by the Treasurer, as necessary, not only in the country in which the World Federation Secretariat is based, but also in other countries according to the interests of the World Federation.

3.    All financial documents, such as payments, orders, receipts, contracts and any other relevant documents, must be kept and filed by the Secretariat.

4.    Provision should be made, as far as possible, for a reserve fund of a size allowing a year’s activities (working costs and programmes) to be financed.

Article 6 – Division of Responsibilities
1.    The President is the director of the expenditure.

2.    The Treasurer shall execute the budget and shall be responsible for the keeping of accounts and for the smooth running of financial business. He shall be assisted by the Secretariat and by the Accountant.

3.    A working committee on finance comprised of members of the Executive Board and Advisors may be formed. Its task shall be, in particular, to seek extra funding.

Article 7 – Income
1.    Members shall be required to pay their membership fees each year on 1st January.

2.    Members whose membership fees have not yet been paid by the end of the year shall immediately loose their rights.

3.    Membership fees may be paid in United States dollars, Euros or any other convertible currency by cheque, bank transfer or in cash. Use of UNESCO Coupons is especially recommended.

4.    The World Federation may charge an enrolment fee for activities (congresses, seminars, workshops etc.) which it organises.

5.    Contracts and other agreements may be made with UNESCO in order to guarantee the planning of programmes in the medium term and the development of the World Federation.

6.    Coordination with organizations of all types (inter-governmental, governmental, non- governmental), as well as with sponsors in the private sector and foundations, may be sought as long as their aims and activities are compatible with those of the World Federation.

7.    The World Federation may market its products, activities and services commercially, as circumstances allow.

Article 8 – Expenditure
1.    Only expenditures outlined in the annual budget can be allowed.

Should extra-budgetary expenditure become necessary, it must be carried over into the next financial year.

However, it is possible for exceptions to be considered on condition that they have the written approval of the President and the Treasurer, and that they do not exceed 5% of the annual budget.

2.    Expenditure on activities carried out jointly with members of the World Federation or any other partner must be defined by a written contract detailing the objectives of the activity and the methods of payment.

3.    Expenditure relative to the functioning of the Secretariat, including expenditure on staff, shall be strictly outlined in the annual budget.

4.    All expenditure shall be calculated on the most economical basis.

4. Representation and Auditing Accounts

Article 9 – Annual Financial Report

The Treasurer shall draw up the Annual Financial Report for each financial year, to be presented for examination to the Executive Board at its first session after the financial year in consideration. After approval, this financial report shall be circulated to all full members.

Article 10 – General Financial Report

A General Financial Report, covering the period between two ordinary sessions of the World Congress, shall be presented at the World Congress.

It shall be prepared by the Treasurer, and shall present a summary of all major financial operations as well as a commentary on the evolution of the financial situation.

Article 11 – The Auditor
1.    After making the required checks, the Auditor shall draw up a report on the implementation of the budget for each financial year; this report shall be presented at the Executive Board at its session after the end of the financial year in review. A digest of the Auditor’s report shall be presented to the World Congress.

2.    The Auditor must have access to all financial accounts; he must also have the necessary expertise to carry out his duties in the proper manner, meaning:

-    To ensure that the budget has been implemented in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the World Congress;

-    To check on the application of the annual budget, and to ensure the regularity of all financial operations and transactions, as well as to verify the Treasurer’s report.

3.    It is preferable that the Auditor resides in the same region in which the World Federation Secretariat is based.

Article 12 – External Accountants

In accordance with the legal requirements of the country in which the Secretariat is based, a firm or external accountants shall be engaged to verify the accounts of the World Federation, and shall draw up a report to be presented to the World Congress.

Rules of Procedure of the World Congress


1. Participation

Article 1 – Main Participants

Delegates shall be representatives of Full direct and indirect Members of the World Federation, as defined in Article 3, section 1 of the Constitution, which have paid all their membership dues by the opening of the World Congress.

Article 2 – Observers

The following may also attend the Congress as observers without right to vote:
-    Other representatives of Federations and UNESCO Clubs, Centres, College of Centres and Associations;
-    Corresponding Members;
-    Representatives of National Commissions;
-    Representatives of Associated Members;
-    Honorary Members and benefactors;
-    Representatives of UNESCO;
-    Representatives of other inter-governmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations with a direct interest in the aims and programmes of the World Federation;
-    Advisors to the World Federation.

2. Terms of Reference

Article 3 – Terms of Reference

The Congress will be able to examine only the items previously registered on the agenda. The
purpose of discussions will particularly be:

-    to evaluate the work of the different Organs;
-    to approve the Secretary General’s report of the activities and the Treasurer’s financial statement for the period preceding the Congress;
-    to adopt the programme and budget guidelines proposed by the Executive Board for the period up to the following World Congress;
-    to define the major orientations of the World Federation in keeping with the general policy of UNESCO and particularly with the Medium Term Strategy “C4”;
-    to elect the President, the five Vice-presidents, the members of the Executive Board and the Treasurer of the World Federation;
-    to appoint the Auditor.

3.  Organisation of Procedures

Article 4 – Bureau of the Congress
1.    The Bureau shall consist of the following:

-    a Chairman,
-    five Vice-Chairmen,
-    a General Rapporteur elected by the World Congress Delegates;
-    Chairmen of the commissions, elected by participants of the commissions;
-    The Secretary General of the World Federation

2.    The Bureau shall be convened by the Chairman.

3.    Its principal tasks, among others, are to assist the Chairman in carrying out his or her duties and, in general, to take what action is necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Congress.

Article 5 – Credentials Committee

1.    This committee shall be elected by the World Congress on the basis of a proposal of the Executive Board. It shall consist of no more than five members.

Before the opening of the World Congress, the Secretary General shall send to the Executive Board a list of those admitted as full members and of their position regarding the payment of their membership dues, as well as enrolment forms for the World Congress showing the names of the delegates; these forms shall be counter-signed by at least two leaders from the Full Member represented. The Secretary General may also add any remarks which he considers appropriate.

2.    During the Executive Board session immediately preceding the World Congress, the Executive Board shall examine the list of full members, delegates and draft recommendations to be placed before the Credentials Committee.

The Credentials Committee shall examine the credentials of delegates, in conformity with the Constitution and the General Rules, based on recommendations of the Executive Board. It shall draw up the list of delegates accepted as main participants, having the right to vote. It shall then report to the World Congress.

Article 6 – Nominations Committee
1.    This Committee shall be elected by the World Congress, and shall consist of no more than five members chosen from among those countries which are not candidates.

2.    Its terms of reference shall be:

-    to examine the candidatures received;
-    to report to the World Congress on their eligibility;
-    to monitor the ballots in the elections of the President, Vice-President and the Treasurer;
-    to count the votes and announce the results.

Article 7 – Composition

The composition of the Bureau, Nominations Committee and Credentials Committee shall reflect the cultural diversity of the delegates and equitable geographical distribution as extensively as possible.

Article 8 – Commissions
1.    After the General Debate in plenary session, the work of the Congress can be continued in commissions in accordance with the programme prepared.

2.    These commissions elect from their members, a President and a “Rapporteur”.

3.    In these commissions the duties and role of the Chairman shall be the same as those conferred on the Congress Chairman by these Rules (cf. Article 9.2)

4.    The work of the Congress might be completed by ad hoc committees entrusted with the study of particular points.

5.    The result of discussions in the commissions and ad hoc Committees shall be approved by consensus, without a vote. If no consensus is reached, the Chairman shall ensure that the different points of view are represented.

4. Conduct of Business

Article 9 – Chair
1.    Acting Chairman : at the opening of the World Congress and until the election of the Congress Bureau, the President of the World Federation will be Acting Chairman.

2.    Duties of the Chairman : the Chairman shall open and close each session, ensure observance of these Rules, and grant or refuse the right to speak. He or she shall rule on the proceedings and ensure the maintenance of order. He or she may consult the Congress and, if necessary, put questions to the vote and announce the result.

3.    If the Chairman is absent or unable to carry out his duties, he or she shall be replaced by one of the Deputy Chairmen, who, as Acting Chairman, shall have the same powers and duties as the Chairman.

Article 10 – Quorum
1.    A quorum shall consist of a majority of the full members.

2.    If however after a five minute suspension of the session, there is still no quorum as defined above, the Acting Chairman may invite delegates to decide unanimously upon a temporary nullification of the preceding paragraph.

However, the Congress will not be valid, in any case, with less of the 1/3 of the full members, up to date with their membership dues. If this threshold is not reached, works will be transferred for the next year. New convocations will have to be sent to the members.

The mandate of the members of the Executive Board will be over. A provisional Bureau will be set up, composed by the ex-officio members of the Executive Board, who will work with the executive secretary for the taking place of the Congress. At the time of the second convocation the quorum shall consist of ¼ of the full members.

Article 11 – Order and Time-limit of speeches
1.    The Chairman shall call upon speakers in the order in which they notify him or her of their wish to speak.

2.    To facilitate the conduct of business, the Chairman shall limit the time allowed to each speaker.

3.    Observers wishing to make an oral statement must obtain the prior permission of the Chairman.

Article 12 – Working languages

The official working languages of the Congress shall be at least English and French. Interpreting shall be provided at least in these languages and working documents shall be made available at least in English and French.

Article 13 – Procedural Motions
1.    During the discussion of a question, any delegate may move the suspension or adjournment of the meeting, or the adjournment or closure of the debate.

2.    The presiding officer, after consulting the delegates, shall give the ruling he deems most appropriate to such a motion.

3.    The following motions shall have precedence, in the order indicated below, over other proposals or motions:

-    Suspension of the meeting;
-    Adjournment of the meeting;
-    Adjournment of the debate on the question under discussion;
-    Closure of the debate on the question under discussion.

Article 14 – Proposals and Amendments
1.    Draft resolutions and Amendments may be proposed by the delegates referred to Article 1; they shall be submitted in writing to the Secretariat of the Congress, which shall distribute copies to all participants.

2.    As a general rule, no draft resolution or amendment shall be discussed or voted upon if the text in the working languages of the Congress has not been forwarded at least two hours in advance to all delegates.

Article 15 – Voting
1.    Each of the delegates as defined in Article 1 shall have one vote.

2.    A Full Member registered and present at the Congress whose delegate is unavoidably prevented from taking part in the business of a particular session may, in first instance, appoint another member of its delegation to replace him or, that failing, may appoint another Full Member as its proxy. This proxy shall then be fully empowered to represent it. Written notification of the appointment of a proxy must be sent to the presiding officer of the session, and state the session or items on the agenda to which it applies; it must also be signed by both parties involved in the agreement.

3.    A Member may not be represented by proxy for the whole duration of the business of the World Congress. A Full Member may not represent more than one other Full Member.

Decisions taken by vote shall be adopted by a majority of the delegates who are present and voting, as defined in Article 1.

a.    The following shall be decided by a simple majority of the delegates present and voting :

-    The adoption of the General Rules;
-    The election of the Bureau of the Congress;
-    The election of the Credentials Committee;
-    The election of the Nominations Committee;
-    The adoption of the programme and budget, and any other question proposed by the Bureau.

b.    The first round of balloting for the posts of the President, the Vice-presidents, the members of the Executive Board and the Treasurer of the World Federation shall be decided by an absolute majority of those present and voting.

c.    Posts which are not filled in the first round of balloting by absolute majority shall be filled following a second round of balloting by a simple majority.

4.    For the purpose of these Rules, the expression « delegate as defined in Article 1 » shall refer to delegates casting an affirmative or a negative vote. Participants who abstain from voting  shall be considered as non-voting.

5.    Voting shall normally be carried out by show of hands. At the request of the delegates, voting may also be done by secret ballot, under the condition that the delegates who demand it represent at least two thirds of those present and voting.

6.    When an amendment to a proposal is moved, the amendment shall be voted first. If several amendments to a proposal are moved, participants shall first vote on the amendment deemed by the Chairman to be the furthest removed in content from the original proposal. They shall then vote on the amendment next furthest removed and so on until all amendments have been voted upon.

7.    If one or more amendments are adopted, the amended proposal as a whole shall then be voted upon.

8.    A motion shall be considered an amendment to a proposal when it simply adds to, deletes from, or alters a part of that proposal.

Article 16 – Election of the President, the Vice-presidents, the members of the Executive
Board and the Treasurer.
1.    Candidates must be entered in a Candidature File, to be drawn up by the Secretary General.

The Candidature Form shall be sent out to all full members with notification of the convening of the next World Congress.

It shall contain the candidate’s personal qualifications, and details on his previous activities in the service of the UNESCO Clubs movement, the areas in which he is able to make a particular contribution to the development of the movement, and the programme which he proposes to carry out.

Candidates must be proposed by the National Federation, or another coordinating body of their country. In addition, their Candidature File must include a statement by a national leader indicating his support of the candidate and his future action in advancing the interests of the World Federation.

The completed Candidature Form must be sent to the Secretary General at least two weeks before the opening of the World Congress.

All Candidature Files shall be displayed during the World Congress to allow participants to become acquainted with the candidatures.

2.    The Nominations Committee shall draw up a list of eligible candidates and shall report back to the Congress.

3.    The President, the Vice-Presidents, the members of the Executive Board and the Treasurer shall be elected in the given order, using separate ballot papers for each election.

4.    For the election of the Vice-presidents and the members of the Executive Board the lists of candidates shall be drawn up on a regional basis, and shall mention the number of posts to be filled from each region.

5.    On the first ballot, those candidates who receive an absolute majority (half of the votes plus one) of votes of the members present and voting shall be deemed elected. Candidates for any seats not filled on the first ballot who obtain a simple majority on the second, shall be deemed elected.

6.    Any ballot paper containing more names for a given region than the number of posts to be filled shall be regarded as void.

7.    Candidates who fail to be elected on the first ballot may choose to step down. In that event, they shall notify the Chairman of the session of their discussion not more than five minutes after the announcement of the result of the first round.

8.    Ex-officio members of the Executive Board are not elected. Their list is proposed for decision to the Congress by the Nominations Committee, with the participation of the President of the World Federation and the Secretary General, who examines the requests according to the provisions of the Constitution and the general rules of the World Federation.

Article 17 – Congress Report

A final report concerning the proceedings of the World Congress shall be compiled in the working languages of the meeting and distributed by the World Federation’s Secretariat to :
-    all Federations and Coordinating Committees;
-    UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations in countries which do not have a Federation;
-    National Commissions for UNESCO;
-    Associate Members of the WFUCA;
-    Representatives of other inter-governmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations with a direct interest in the aims and programmes of the World Federation.

5. Secretariat of the Congress

Article 18 – The Secretariat
1.    The Secretariat of the Congress is undertaken by the host country in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the World Federation.

2.    It executes all necessary work for the good operations of the Congress.

3.    The members of the Secretariat take part without right to vote in the work of the Congress. They can at all time, in writing or orally, take part in the discussion on every item during the Congress.



In accordance with Article V - World Congress, session 3(a) of the Constitution, the World Congress adopts the following Rules of Procedure, the aim of which is to clarify and expand certain provisions of the Constitution.




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